
What if I cannot buy online?

If you prefer to pay via e-transfer, send to and include “BMGCA Membership plus your Name, Address & Email”.

Information required at registration : Name, Email address and Street name.

Additional membership information - Anyone who lives in the community of Briarbrook, Brookside or Morgan's Grant is entitled to become a member.

The Briarbrook Brookside Morgan’s Grant Community Association (BMGCA) is a non-profit, volunteer driven association striving to make our community a great place to live.


The BMGCA membership fee is  $25.00 per household for 2 years. This small fee helps to support community events, initiatives and communications with our elected officials and the City of Ottawa. 


We invite you to become a member:

  • Help build a diverse, inclusive and caring neighbourhood.
  • Stay up to date on issues impacting our community.
  • Make your voice heard in our community.


Volunteer! Support activities and projects in our community:

Volunteers - We are always looking for volunteers so if you are interested please send us a email We need people to help with Events, Issues and monitoring the Communities!

  • Halloween Spooktacular
  • Clean the Capital in the Spring & Fall
  • Christmas Lights Contest,

General Meetings,


Organizing of Public Meetings,

Ensuring community concerns are brought to the City’s officials and our local Councillor.


Why does the BMGCA ask for adult members’ information?

We need to maintain a basic list for future events and promotions i.e. food at summer BBQ. In addition, the BMGCA needs to know about its demographic so that we can honestly claim to be representative of the community. If challenged, the association must be in a position to know who is a member and how many members we have.


How does the BMGCA protect my privacy?

Information collected is exclusively for the use of the BMGCA, and will not be shared or sold.